Slievemore GP Women’s Clinic

Our team of five female GP’s established our Women’s Clinic over 10 years ago to deliver our Women’s Health Services.

At the Slievemore Women’s Clinic our experienced medical team offer a high quality, caring and confidential healthcare to meet your needs. We look after all aspects of women’s health such as contraception, infertility, pregnancy care, menopause care, smears, STI’s, women’s health screening and lots more. As experienced General Practitioners we also look after you when you need a doctor for a chest infection, back injury or any such acute or chronic concern.

We offer same day appointments and have convenient extended opening hours to fit in with your busy lifestyle.

Our Services




Sexual Health Screening


Pap Smears


Fertility Consultation


Couple Fertility Consultation


Antenatal Care


Postnatal Care


Free Contraception


Menopausal Care


Mini Medical

Free Contraception

For women aged 17–35, all forms of contraception are free. You can get free contraception up until the age of 36 if you are 35. Please ask a member of our reception team or your general practitioner for further information about free contraception.

Benefits of health screening

Screening is the process of identifying a medical problem at it’s early stage, when treatment and management is much easier. A regular medical examination gives you useful information about your health and can sometimes also highlight familial or genetic conditions. Advice will be provided with regard to the management of any short-term and long-term medical problems.

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